Prohormones: Which One is Right For You?
A Guide to All Things Prohormones
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Trenabol
The Trenabol prohormone's main active ingredient are 19Nor and 6-OXO. Both ingredients are known for increase lean, dry muscle gains. Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals markets this as theur ultimate "shredding" stack, so you know it is going to get you bigger and more cut than anything they have released in the past. Both the main ingredients are fast-acting, and Hi-Tech claims that some people will feel it working after just one dose. This is the perfect prohormone for those looking to get bigger, but also staying at lean as possible. Think about it as a "lean bulk" prohormone.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Lean Bulking & Strength
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: Advanced Users
Stacks: This product can be stacked with Winstrol and/or 1-Testosterone for those looking to get shredded as possible.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 1-AD
This prohormone's main active ingredient is 1-androstene. This compound converts to 1-testosterone which is 200% more anabolic than pure testosterone. This product also includes Laxogenin, which can help with muscle building due to how it helps increase protein synthesis. This product is recommended for anyone that wants to build "leaner" muscle and burn more fat. It will give you a dryer look with less side effects such as water retention. This is a very popular prohormone in the spring/summer when people want to get more "ripped". This is a great beginner prohormone.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Cutting & Strength
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: This product is commonly stacked with Winstrol for those looking to get shredded, or Decabolin, for those wanting to be lean, but with a little more mass and fullness.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 1-Testosterone
This prohormone's main active ingredient is 1-androstene. This compound converts to 1-testosterone, which is 200% more anabolic than pure testosterone. It has a slightly higher dose of 1-Testosterone than 1-AD and includes an ingredient to help maximize the length of time each dose is in the body. This product is recommended for anyone who wants to build "leaner" muscle and burn more fat. It will give you a dryer look with less side effects as water retention. This is a very popular prohormone in the spring/summer when people want to get more "ripped". A step up from the 1-AD.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Cutting & Strength
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex ( 1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: This product is commonly stacked with Winstrol for those looking to get shredded, or Decabolin, especially during the winter months, because of its ability to not only build lean mass, but to soothe aching joints, ligaments & tendons.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Anavar
This is a multi-compound prohormone that has 1-Andro, 4-Andro, Prasterone and Epi-Andro. The 1-Andro and Epi-Andro are great for lean, hard and dry grains. The 4-Andro will help fill out your muscle a little more and build mass. The Prasterone is great for muscle building and libido. Overall, this is great muscle builder and strength increasing product. It's for those that aren't necessarily trying to get really lean or gain a lot of mass, but want to look better, more muscular and hit more PR's. It also goes beyond that and includes Russian Anabolic Agents: Ecdybolin, Ecdysterone and 6-Keto-Diosgenin for increased protein synthesis and recovery. It also contains L-Arginine and the Arginase Inhibitors ABH and BEC for Maximum Muscle Vasodilation.
Directions: Take 3 tablets in the morning and 3 tablets in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Lean Muscle Gains & Strength
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support:Arimistane Estrogen Blocker (1 bottle for 4 weeks or 2 bottles for 8 weeks)
Experience: Advanced Users
Stacks: Customers choosing this product normally stack it with Decabolin, especially during the winter months, because of its ability to not only build lean mass, but to soothe aching joints, ligaments and tendons.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Androdiol
This is a 4-Andro prohormone that helps to build lean muscle gains, fuller muscles and incredible strength increases. This is one of the few products that works very well on its own. Customers love this product because it won't directly aromatize to Estrogen and doesn't convert to DHT or its derivatives. It converts directly to Testosterone. This is a prohormone customers choose when they are bulking or looking to put on more mass.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Bulking
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support:Arimistane Estrogen Blocker (1 bottle for 4 weeks or two bottle for 8 weeks)
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: For customers looking to put on much more weight and muscle mass, stacking this with Equibolin can produce dense muscle gains and an increase in appetite. This is a very popular stack during the winter months.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Decabolin
The main active ingredient in Decabolin is 19-NorAndro. It is the only product of its kind still legal to convert to "Deca" in the body. This compound is more anabolic than Testosterone. This is a product that can help you produce massive lean muscle gains. Most noticeable will be your strength gains when using this as a part of a mass-cycle. It is also a customer favorite in the winter months due to its ability to ease tendon, ligament and joint pain. This is considered the ultimate "stacking" prohormone because it works so well when combining it with other compounds. Even more important is that Decabolin cannot directly aromatize to estrogen nor does it convert to DHT or its derivatives, making it highly potent, completely non-aromatizable to estrogen and naturally occurring.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Lean Muscle & Joint Pain Relief
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: Most customers choose to stack this with other compounds. If you are looking to build up a lot of mass, stacking this with Superdrol will maximize your muscle and strength gains. If you are looking to really cut, then stacking this product with 1-Testosterone and/or Winstrol can help you look dryer and more shredded.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Dianabol
This product was designed to not only build muscle and strength, but to keep your body anti-catabolic to help spare more muscle. They call it the Muscle Preservation Prohormone. You can expect fairly lean gains during your cycle, with only slight water retention, giving you a slightly fuller, but still dry look. This product contains 1-Andro, Androsterone and 1,4 Androsterone, along with other ingredients to help increase protein synthesis and keep your body anti-catabolic. The ingredients in this product make it a good candidate for longer cycles, Hi-Tech recommending up to 10 weeks on cycle, followed by Arimiplex PCT for 4 weeks.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the afternoon and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 6-8 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Lean Muscle Building & Muscle Sparing (Cutting)
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks (note: each bottle lasts 20 days)
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: Because most people looking to hold onto as much muscle as possible are doing some sort of cutting or weight loss, a good product to stack this with is Dymethazine, which is a Epi-Andro. This will help you to build lean muscle, but with a much dryer look.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Dymethazine
This is one of the driest compounds available. You can expect massive strength gains along with more muscle density and definition. This is due to the main ingredient being 3Beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-17-one azine or Epi-Andro. This product is generally used during a cutting cycle, though some people do add it to their bulking cycle to get a more balanced stack. Dymethazine does not aromatize to estrogen, so bloating and "gyno" should not be a concern. Dymethazine is that it appears to have some immediate neurological effects, so having a dose pre-workout can aid in strength and aggression. In combination with the lack of subcutaneous (under the skin) water retention experienced with Dymethazine, this should produce a lean, hard look and can pack on the pounds.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Cutting
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: Customers can choose to go two ways with this. If you are cutting, stacking Dymethazine with 1-Testosterone can do wonders for getting more shredded, but at the same time increasing strength and lean muscle. If you are bulking, you can use Dymethazine as a cycle balancer. Stacking this with Sustanon 250, which is a 4-Andro prohormone would be a perfect combo for massive mass and strength gains.
Equipoise is the last precursor to the prized anabolic "Boldenone". This product is a 1,4 Andro, which is perfect for building solid lean muscle mass. Very little noted side effects occur such as increased body fat, gynecomastia or water retention. Equipoise will greatly increase your appetite, strength, energy and muscle mass showing why it is perfect for bulking cycles. Because gains from Equipoise begin around week 3 or 4, it is best to run this one for 8 weeks. If above 200 lbs., you can consider going up to 4 tablets per day, which would require 4 bottles instead of 2 bottles for an 8 week cycle.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Bulking & Appetite
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: Because this prohormone was created to help increase your appetite and build lean muscle mass, it should be stacked with other products for mass building. Therefore, it is perfect to stack with Dianabol, Androdiol or Sustanon 250, both are great bulking prohormones.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Halodrol
This is the only single dose prohormone form Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. This is due to the potent dosage of 1-Andro, 4-Andro, Prasterone and Andosterone. Because of the mix of dry and wet compounds in this product, you can build mass, strength and lean muscle with just one product. Halodrol uses 4 Androsterone-3b-ol, 17-one (4-ANDRO), which may be the strongest of all of the "4" series compounds.
Directions: Take 1 tablet per day. This can be taken with or without food. Best to take pre-workout each day, or on mornings of non-workout days.
Goal: Bulking & Athletic Performance
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support:Arimistane Estrogen Blocker (1 bottle for 4 weeks or 2 bottles for 8 weeks)
Experience: Advanced Users
Stacks: Because this prohormone was created to help increase your appetite and build lean muscle mass, it should be stacked with other products for mass building. Therefore, it is perfect to stack with Androdiol or Sustanon 250, both are great bulking prohormones.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Halotestin
Halotestin was developed for raw strength and power. Halotestin is insanely powerful, and when it comes to Halotestin's strength increasing abilities "magical" is almost the best way to describe it. This is the perfect prohormone for strength athletes and power lifters. This prohormone will help add muscle mass without water retention or fat. Many athletes report increased libido, aggression and overall higher energy levels.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Strength & Power
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: This is a great stacking prohormone. If you are looking to cut, but still want to increase strength, stack this product with either Winstrol, 1-Testosterone or both for up to 8 weeks. If you are looking to bulk up, stacking Halotestin with Osta-Plex for 8 weeks would really pack on the pounds.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Osta-Plex
This is the only legal SARM available on the market today. Osta-Plex is a combination of steroidal and nonsteroidal SARMs that work together synergistically to produce phenomenal gains. This product is perfect for significant gains in size and strength, making it a great product for bulking. This product is perfect for significant gains in size and strength, making it a great product for bulking. This also includes Eucommia ulmoides which help with muscle building and no side effects. Lastly, 7-methoxy-8-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H-1-benzopryan-2-one, which is a P-SARM, and can help add mass, strength, bone growth as well as improving sexual drive.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Strength & Size
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: If you are looking to put on even more muscle mass and size, which Osta-Plex is perfect for stacking with Superdrol, can result in a huge amount of size, strength and lean muscle gains over 8 weeks. Due to the potency of Superdrol, an 8 week cycle would require 3 bottles of Superdrol.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Primobolan
This is one of the newest prohormones from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. This is a perfect prohormone for cutting and achieving that dryer and harder muscle look. Will be very popular in the spring and summer months. This product also increases nitrogen retention which helps to improve protein synthesis, resulting in building muscle at a faster rate. This product contains 1-Andro, another metabolite of DHEA and at a fast-acting Epi-Andro, all ingredients making it great for a cutting cycle. The risk of any estrogen build up is very minimal to non-existent.
Directions: Take 3 tablets per day, 1 tablet in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and 1 tablet in the evening. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Strength, Lean Mass and Toning (Cutting)
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: Beginner & Advanced Users
Stacks: Because this product is a blend of cutting Andros, including 1-andro and epi-andro, we would only recommend increasing the dosage from similar compounds, so a Winstrol and 1-Testosterone would go well with this product. The combo of these prohormones will work well to achieve a lean, hard look.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Superdrol
This is one of the most potent prohormones available with a whopping 5 compounds per bottle. It has 4-Andro, 1-Andro, Epi-Andro, 6-Oxo and Prasterone. This product was designed to help you reduce excess bodyfat and help build lean muscle at the same time. This "highly concentrated" prohormone will revamp your physique. Superdrol does not convert to estrogen, which makes it a safe option even for those prone to estrogenic side effects like oily skin, acne and gynecomastia. This also means athletes using Superdrol don't experience muscle loss, fat gain and decreased strength that is commonly experienced by bodybuilders when aromatization happens.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Recomp / Lean Muscle Building
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks (this will required 3 bottles)
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support:Arimistane Estrogen Blocker (1 bottle for 4 weeks or 2 bottles for 8 weeks)
Experience: Advanced Users
Stacks: Because of the potency of this product, most don't stack it with other compounds. But if you are looking to build a little more mass, you can stack this product with Osta-Plex or Decabolin. Both will help you increase your overall muscle mass in just a couple months.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Sustanon 250
Sustanon 250 is a patented prohormone and testosterone booster designed for the purpose of delivering the maximum number and dosage of anabolic compounds in their most bioavailable form, in one tablet. Because this product contains multiple variations of 4-Andro, that convert to Testosterone in the body, this is the perfect prohormone for bulking. 4-Andro is typically used as a bulking prohormone because it produces muscle fullness, strength gains and size gains. It also includes 3B-hydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one, which is perfect for increasing lean muscle mass, muscle hardness, strength and aggression.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning on non-workout days, and one tablet pre-workout on workout days. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Bulking
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support:Arimistane Estrogen Blocker (1 bottle for 4 weeks or 2 bottles for 8 weeks)
Experience: Advanced Users
Stacks: Sustanon 250 is a bulking product, so it should be used with other prohormones striving for the same goal. This is why we recommend stacking this product along with Osta-Plex or Decabolin, both of which are excellent for building more mass and strength. You can take Sustanon 250 along with either of these prohormones for up to 8 weeks.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Winstrol
This prohormone is for those looking to put on lean muscle mass. A big benefit to taking this product as well is almost instant hardness and vascularity. Winstrol isn't converted into estrogen, therefore you can take higher daily doses of Winstrol compared to other anabolics and not run into any side effects of excess estrogen. This prohormone is a very popular one to stack as well because it works on bulking and cutting cycles.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet sin the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Strength / Muscle Hardness / Vascularity
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: New to Advanced Users
Stacks: Because Winstrol is great for increasing muscle hardness and vascularity, it is best used during a cutting cycle. This makes 1-Testosterone the best prohormone to stack along Winstrol. If you are looking to get lean and shredded, taking both products for 8 weeks will help you get there.
Innovative Labs Helladrol
Helladrol is the ideal prohormone of choice for people looking to gain as much strength, power, endurance, hardness and definition without holding excess water in the process. Because of the 4 compounds in this product, it is better off for advanced users. This is the ultimate product for lean muscle gains and strength due to the 4-Andro, Androsterone, 1,4 Andro and 17Beta. Helladrol is the most anabolic substance on the market and can improve testosterone levels and can improve the number of muscle fibers. This prohormone can stimulate dramatic strength and muscle mass gains while reducing recovery time between intense workouts.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Muscle Mass & Power
Cycle Length: up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support: Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: Advanced Users
Stacks: Due to the potency of the product, combining it with anything else is really not needed. But if you are looking to bulk, you can add Osta-Plex or Decabolin to this cycle. If you are looking to cut, then adding Winstrol or Dymethazine can help you increase muscle hardness and lean out even more. Don't take the complete cycle for more than 8 weeks.
Innovative Labs Monster Plexx
This prohormone is one of the strongest legal prohormones on the market with 5 different compounds in one product at high level milligrams (250 total milligrams) marking it the first ever "Quintuple stack". This product contains 1-Andro, 4-Andro, Prasterone, Epi-Andro and 5a-Andro. It also combines natural testosterone ingredients to help with libido, sex drive and vitality. It is the total package for testosterone. This the perfect product for those looking for an all-in-one mass building prohormone.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Muscle Mass & Strength (Bulking)
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support:Arimistane Estrogen Blocker (1 bottle for 4 weeks or 2 bottles for 8 weeks)
Experience: Advanced Users
Stacks: Because this product has five different compounds resulting in 250mg per dose, most do not stack any other prohormones. But if you are looking to build up even more mass, we would recommend stacking it with Decabolin, which is a prohormone that is excellent for stacking and building up more muscle mass strength.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Deca-Durabolin
New stronger version of Decabolin. The main active ingredient in Decabolin is 19-NorAndro. It is the only product of its kind still legal to convert to "Deca" in the body. This compound is more anabolic than Testosterone. This is a product that can help you produce massive lean muscle gains. Most noticeable will be your strength gains when using this as a part of a mass-cycle. It is also a customer favorite in the winter months due to its ability to ease tendon, ligament and joint pain. This is considered the ultimate "stacking" prohormone because it works so well when combining it with other compounds. Even more important is that Decabolin cannot directly aromatize to estrogen nor does it convert to DHT or its derivatives, making it highly potent, completely non-aromatizable to estrogen and naturally occurring.
Directions: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, spreading the dosage 8-12 hours apart. This can be taken with or without food.
Goal: Lean Muscle, Strength & Joint Pain Relief
Cycle Length: Up to 8 Weeks
Post Cycle Support:Arimiplex (1 bottle) for 4 Weeks Post Cycle
Cycle Support: Not Required
Experience: Advanced Users
Stacks: Most customers choose to stack this with other compounds. If you are looking to build up a lot of mass, stacking this with Superdrol will maximize your muscle and strength gains. If you are looking to really cut, then stacking this product with 1-Testosterone and/or Winstrol can help you look dryer and more shredded.
†The content of this blog post is intended solely for reference and entertainment purposes. We do not offer medical advice or specific guidance regarding the products discussed. Our insights are based on a combination of anecdotal experiences, online studies/reviews, manufacturer details, and customer feedback. While we strive to present accurate and current information, we cannot assure its completeness or its alignment with the most recent product formulations or data. For any concerns or up-to-date information, we recommend visiting the manufacturer's website directly. The opinions and information provided here do not necessarily reflect the views of Supplement Warehouse; they represent the perspectives and information from the manufacturers and users. Furthermore, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
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