Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Turkesterone 650 60ct
Why You Shouldn't Take Other Turkesterone Supplements!
- Hi-Tech has been in the sports nutrition industry for over 20 years. They are not a "made-for'Amazon" company or overnight overseas business.
- Hi Tech took the extra step and actually tested competitor's products! Most of them contained little to no Turkesterone! Don't be fooled by cheap imitation products. Get the real Turkesterone from Hi Tech.
- Most Turkesterone products on the market comes from Chinese manufacturers who make their Turkesterone from Ajuga Reptans or Ajuga Decumbens, plants that can only yield an extract that is 2%. The highest quality Turkesterone for body building is the Ajuga Turkestanica plant which can yield up to 10%.
- Hi Tech Turkesterone is the only product with Cyclosome™ Delivery. Why is this so important? Because it allows systemic circulation by the intestinal lymphatic route, circumventing first-pass inactivation in the liver for the very first time. Basically, more of the compound itself gets into the blood stream resulting in much better results.
Get the Best Results with Hi-Tech Turkesterone!
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Turkesterone is very concentrated form of Turkesterone as well as other ecdysterones. Ecdysterones are naturally occurring substances within plant and animal life. Hi-Tech's Turkesterone optimizes the mRNA translation process as well as enhances Leucine & other uptake in the muscles. Turkesterone can increase muscle repair and growth by enhancing the muscle protein synthesis, preventing the breakdown of muscle. It was the Russian Olympians who kept the secret of Turkesterone & Ecdysteroids. Hi-Tech introduced their first ecdystroid product in the 1990's and has stayed at the top of the extraction technology in obtaining exceptional raw materials. Hi-Tech Turkesterone includes 10% Turkesterone and 50% total Ecdysteroids (extract ratio 50:1) (equal to 32.5 grams of the whole plant. Turkesterone has shown to improve lean muscle mass and increase protein synthesis. Turkesterone will allow your body to stay in an anabolic state which means more muscle growth and strength, faster than before.
What are the Benefits?
- Improves Lean Muscle Mass*
- Increases Protein Synthesis*
- Increases Muscle Repair*
- Prevents Muscle Breakdown*
- More Muscle Strength*
- Allows Your Body to Stay in an Anabolic State*
- Helps keep hard earned muscle intact*
- Signals the muscles to grab onto more amino acids from the bloodstream*
- Decreases muscle wasting activities*
- Creates a protein sparing metabolism*
As a dietary supplement, take 1 tablet, twice daily. Needs to be taken with meals. Do not exceed 4 tablets daily. Find more information with the Turkesterone Guide.
Seen On:
What Can I Stack Turkesterone With?
- Ashwagandha
- Tongkat Ali
Possible Side Effects:
- Loose stool
- Diarrhea
- Mild headaches
Is Turkesterone Safe?
Turkesterone is safe to use for those who are 18 years or older. Pregnant or nursing women should not use this product.
Is Turkesterone Legal?
Turkesterone is legal, Supplement Warehouse does not sell any illegal products.
Is Turkesterone Natural?
Turkesterone is a concentrated, one of a kind form of turkesterone and other ecdysterones. A ecdysterone is a sterol, which is a naturally occurring substances in all plant and animal life.
For Bodybuilding:
The bodybuilding community likes to define anabolic compounds as those which increase amino acid shuttling into muscle and increase protein synthesis. Likewise, anti-catabolic, or antiproteolytic (the more specifically correct term) compounds are defined as those which decrease amino acid shuttling out of muscle (also called protein-sparing). Irrespective of whether amino acids are being gained within muscle due to an increase in the influx of amino acids and enhanced protein synthesis, or due to the conservation of amino acids already within muscle, or both, the resulting intramuscular environment is anabolic. This is a really good thing for bodybuilders.
There are few supplements that actually help increase the uptake of amino acids into muscle and/or help to conserve amino acids already within muscle. One of those few supplements is Turkesterone, as it contains a cutting edge anabolic and anti-proteolytic compound. The Turkesterone signals the muscles to grab more amino acids from the bloodstream and then use them to create muscle protein at a fast rate through increased protein synthesis. The Turkesterone tells your muscles to hang on to the amino acids already present in the muscle by decreasing muscle wasting activities, creating a protein sparing metabolism and maintaining an anabolic state during times when normal protein breakdown happens.
This product is intended to be consumed by healthy adults 18 years of age or older. pregnant of nursing women should not use this product.
†The content provided here serves solely as a guide and should not be the final point of reference. At Supplement Warehouse, we pride ourselves on presenting the most current and precise product details. However, due to the dynamic nature of product formulations, we cannot assert with certainty that our descriptions and images mirror the most recent product version. For the most accurate information, we recommend consulting the product's manufacturer directly through their official website. The perspectives and information attributed here do not necessarily align with our own; they are curated directly from the insights offered by the manufacturers.
†Furthermore, it's important to note that the Food and Drug Administration has not verified the efficacy or safety claims made about this product. Therefore, it should not be utilized as a remedy for diagnosing, treating, curing, or averting any health conditions.