1-Andro Guide: How to Use this Prohormone

1-Andro Guide: How to Use this Prohormone

One of the most popular prohormones that Supplement Warehouse sells is 1-Andro. This is also known as 1-androstenedione or 1-androstenediol or 1-Testosterone. This is a compound known for helping you cut, increase strength and build the leanest of muscle mass. Why is it so popular? There are quite a few reasons, which we will discuss below. We will also dive into how to use 1-andro, the stacks you can make, and the side effects to watch out for. And as usual, before every starting a new supplement or prohormone, make sure to speak with your doctor!

Why is 1-Andro so Damn Popular?

We sell a ton of prohormones here at Supplement Warehouse. But by far, the most popular prohormone is 1-Andro. Let's dive into the reasons why.

  • Great For All Levels of Experience: No matter the experience you have with prohormones, you can use 1-Andro. You don't have to worry about a lot of side effects, and people from advanced users to beginners love it.
  • Very Little Chance of Side Effects: Because this is mild, dry prohormone, the chances of side effects are very minimal. The most common we hear of is aggression, acne and joint pain. These are normally things that aren't bad enough to make users stop their cycle.
  • No Estrogen Conversion: Due to this being a dry compound, the changes of developing gyno are very rare. The only times we hear of this happening is if the user has had a case of gyno in the past. Then we recommend staying away from prohormones or using an anti-estrogen such as Arimistane while on cycle.\
  • Non Methylated: 1-Andro is non-methylated, so you do not need any on-cycle support while taking this product. Though, when taking a lot of supplements in general, we recommend a product like Liver-Rx to help you break everything down.
  • Lean, Dry Gains: Users just like the results. Most people want a lean, muscular look and 1-Andro is one of the best way to achieve that. And users buy this prohormone over and over again because it works.

There you have it, if that didn't convince you that this is an amazing prohormone, not sure what will!


What kind of results should you expect from 1-Andro? These are the most common results and benefits from taking this prohormone.

  • Weight Loss
  • Drier Look
  • Increases in Strength
  • Faster Recovery Times
  • Great Libido
  • Very Lean Muscle Mass Increases


Depending on the prohormone you purchase, recommended dosages will be different. Our most popular 1-Andro prohormone is Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 1-Testosterone. The directions state that you should take a 110mg tablet twice per day. This results in 220mg of 1-Andro per day. And because Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals uses the most advanced delivery system available, expect that dosage to be stronger than anything else on the market today.

Prohormone Cycle

One other common question we receive is how to cycle 1-Andro. We recommend cycling 1-Andro for 8 weeks on, 8 weeks off. This is the safest way to take it with the least chances for side effects. The cycle would go something like this.

60 Days: Two tablets per day (assuming you are taking 1-Testosterone by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals)

30 Days Post Cycle: Take two Arimiplex (PCT) per day. For additional lean muscle gains with no hormones, try Turkesterone 650.

Following 30 Days: No hormonal supplements. Recommend Turkesterone 650 is continued.

After the 60 Days Off: You are free to run another prohormone cycle.

Side Effects

We talked a little bit about the side effects of 1-Andro above, but we can dive deeper into the list below. While this is a pretty comprehensive list, many of these side effects are very uncommon. But we want to be totally transparent here with this guide.

  • Hormonal Imbalance: Since 1-Andro is a prohormone, it can disrupt your body’s natural hormone production, leading to potential imbalances. This can result in side effects like testicular atrophy, decreased natural testosterone production, and potential estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia (development of breast tissue in men). Again, very rare.

  • Cardiovascular Issues: Prohormones can negatively affect cholesterol levels, particularly by decreasing HDL (good cholesterol) and increasing LDL (bad cholesterol). This imbalance can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke.

  • Mood Changes: Hormonal changes induced by 1-Andro can lead to mood swings, irritability, and potential aggression.

  • Acne and Hair Loss: Similar to other androgenic substances, 1-Andro can cause acne and accelerate hair loss, especially in individuals genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness.

  • Potential Legal Issues: Depending on the country or region, the use of 1-Andro may be restricted or banned, and it could result in legal consequences if not used in accordance with local regulations. This product is 100% legal in the United States, but in other countries it could be illegal. This is your responsibility to understand before purchasing.

  • 1-Andro vs 4-Andro

    This is another common question we receive. Most customers go for one or the other when choosing a prohormone. It's really simple though to choose. The easy answer is to go with 1-Andro if you are looking to cut and/or stay very lean. Choose 4-Andro if you are looking to bulk or want to put on a lot of size.

    Maybe you don't care though. A couple other differences.

    • 4-Andro is a wet compound. Because of that there is more of a risk for estrogen related issues such as gyno. So we would highly recommend running Arimistane (estrogen blocker) with your cycle.
    • 4-Andro converts to Testosterone. This means more chances for high testosterone related side effects. Hair loss, acne, aggression etc.
    • On a positive note, 4-andro has been known to be the best at increasing libido!


    Now there are some warnings we want to put out there. These are the people we WOULD NOT recommend prohormones for. And again, always speak to your doctor before using any supplement, including prohormones!

    • Women
    • Anyone under 21 years of age (the older, the better prohormones work)
    • Anyone with any heart or health condition
    • Anyone that has had gyno issues in the past


    We really hope this has helped "guide" you to using the amazing prohormone, 1-Andro. Again, we highly recommend Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 1-Testosterone if you are choosing a 1-Andro type of prohormone. It's the best on the market with the reviews to prove it. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to chat with us live, email us, or even give us a call!

    Aug 12th 2024 Jeff Moriarty
    Jeff Moriarty
    Jeff has been in the fitness and supplement industry for almost 20 years. He is an avid bodybuilder and helps others with lifting techniques, as well as the best vitamins and supplements they should take for the goals they have. You can find him on LinkedIn and Youtube.
    Jeff Moriarty

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