Deca-Durabolin Stacks: The Top 3 Stacks

Deca-Durabolin Stacks: The Top 3 Stacks

One of the best selling prohormones at Supplement Warehouse is Deca-Durabolin. Deca-Durabolin is known for it's amazing effects on dry, lean muscle mass and strength increases. Most users take it as part of a lean-bulk or to help keep some dryness during a wetter bulking cycle. The main compound in Deca-Durabolin is 19Nor, which is very popular for stacking, which is why we decided to write this article. With all the questions surrounding what to stack with Deca-Durabolin, we thought we could come up with a comprehensive list that showcased our three favorite stacks that included this amazing prohormone.

Deca-Durabolin, Equipoise & Sustanon 250 (Bulking Stack)

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 2024 Ultimate Mass & Bulking Prohormone Stack (8 Weeks On / 4 Week PCT)

This stack is for those looking to put on as much mass as possible. This stack is very popular during the fall/winter season due to the size it will put on. While not the cleanest size (you'll bulking after all), you will get noticeable lean muscle and weight gains in a short 8 weeks. You will also have huge increases in strength, and due to the Sustanon 250, your libido should be straight through the roof. With the added Equipoise, your appetite will be stronger than ever. Expect to be hungry 24/7, which is a really good thing for those hard gainers. And as with any stack, this one includes the Arimiplex PCT to get your hormones back to normal levels when your cycle is over.

Cycle Length: 8 Weeks On, 4 Week PCT

Experience: Intermediate to Advanced

Goal: Mass & Strength

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Deca-Durabolin, 1-Testosterone & Dymethazine Stack (Lean Bulk)

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 2024 Ultimate Cutting Prohormone Stack (8 Weeks On / 4 Week PCT)

Don't want to gain a bunch of mass? Well then this is the stack for you. We created this stack for those looking to stay lean, but put on some extra pounds of lean muscle mass and strength. Due to this stack having both 1-Testosterone and Dymethazine, you are going to stay pretty dry during the entire cycle. Deca-Durabolin will be the main compound for the extra pounds of weight. 1-Testosterone and Dymethazine will be keeping you lean and dry. But all three of these compounds are amazing for strength, so be prepared to be lean and strong. But...if you are looking to put on tons of muscle mass and extra pounds, this isn't the stack for you. Go with the first one we listed instead. Lastly, like the stack above, this include Arimiplex, the PCT you need to make sure your hormone levels normalize after your cycle.

Cycle Length: 8 Weeks On, 4 Week PCT

Experience: Beginner to Advanced

Goal: Cutting & Lean Muscle Mass

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Deca-Durabolin & Superdrol Stack (Recomping Cycle)

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 2024 Ultimate Recomping Prohormone Stack (8 Weeks On / 4 Week PCT)

So we listed a stack for leaning out and bulking, but what if you are somewhere in the middle? Maybe you are pretty happy with your physique, but just want to keep that look, but bigger? Then this is the stack for you. This stack only contains two prohormones, Deca-Durabolin and Superdrol. But don't let that fool you. Superdrol is one of the strongest prohormones available, which is why you need three bottles for a single 8-week cycle. This stack is going to help both lean you out and add some extra pounds. But due to the Superdrol, we only recommend this to advanced users. You will be getting 6 total compounds with this stack, which is way too much for beginners. And like the other two stacks, you also get a bottle of Arimiplex, the PCT, so your hormones are normalized after your cycle.

Cycle Length: 8 Weeks On, 4 Week PCT

Experience: Advanced

Goal: Body Recomp

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Final Thoughts

If you are a beginner prohormone user, we would recommend starting with Decabolin instead of Deca-Durabolin, which is a lower dosed 19Nor. But we wouldn't recommend it alone. 19Nor's are best stacked. So stacking with 1-Testosterone for cutting or Androdiol for bulking would be a good place to start. And then once you have gotten your feet wet, jump into some of the stacks we recommended above. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to call the Supplement Warehouse team at 877-606-5955. We are happy to help!

Jul 30th 2024 Jeff Moriarty
Jeff Moriarty
Jeff has been in the fitness and supplement industry for almost 20 years. He is an avid bodybuilder and helps others with lifting techniques, as well as the best vitamins and supplements they should take for the goals they have. You can find him on LinkedIn and Youtube.
Jeff Moriarty

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